Allied superfoods for the health of your skin and hair

16 September 2021

How many times have we heard that we are what we eat? If we want to have healthy skin and hair, it is important to take care of ourselves inside and out.  A diet that is rich in legumes, fruits and vegetables, nuts and proteins will make our hair grow strong and healthy. Our skin will also benefit. A proper diet will improve its condition, leaving it free of impurities and delaying its aging.

Here are some superfoods you’ll want to add to your diet:

  1. Red berries: They accelerate hair growth and are a perfect antioxidant. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.
  2. Avocados: It is a fruit rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. It nourishes our skin from the inside.
  3. Salmon: improves the appearance of our skin and makes our nails grow stronger. It is an oily fish that stands out for its Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. If we incorporate it to our diet we will get a shinier, silky and hydrated hair.
  4. Onions: good for the skin and good for the hair. It is a great source of potassium, phosphorus, silicon and iron.
  5. Carrots: its source of vitamin A and beta-carotene keeps the skin firm and resistant.