If Santa Claus hasn’t brought you a gua sha, it’s not too late to buy one!
If you are familiar with our products, you will see that at Arual well aware of Asian natural cosmetics. One of its oldest rituals (5000 years old) is the use of gua sha stones. It is a legendary stone used by Chinese women to massage their faces. This way they achieved a smoother and softer skin. The objective is to perform a facelift, thus promoting the flow of blood and energy.
The massage is performed using the techniques of facial yoga. The gua sha stones are designed to sculpt the face through different relaxing massage techniques, helping to redefine the facial oval, rejuvenating cheeks, chin, forehead and the peribuccal area.
The following massages should be performed repeatedly and with light pressure:
-Neck-shoulder: With the long side, perform a movement from the clavicle to the maxilla.
-Jaw line: Slide the stone along its angular from the chin towards the earlobes.
-Cheekbone lift: with the long side, move in an upward motion along the cheeks, drawing the entire cheekbone, until you reach the temple.
-Eye contour: sweep from the inner eye area towards the temple again.
-Forehead: glide from the eyebrow, across the forehead, to the beginning of the hair.
Gua sha can be found in a variety of stones. The most common are these:
-Jade Green: Perfect for oily skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Combats acne, rosacea, psoriasis or excess sebum.
-Rose Quartz: ideal for smoothing wrinkles and fine lines. It manages to conceal the marks, for example, of pimples, and erases bags and dark circles under the eyes.
The roller trend that was introduced a few years ago is now continuing with the new trend of the gua sha stone. Start this January by incorporating this technique into your facial routine. It’s cheap, easy and you only need to dedicate a couple of minutes every day. You can do it at night, once you have applied your facial serum. Those who have tried it see the results and recommend it 100%. All you need is a little consistency!